Showing posts with label Piano. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Piano. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Sweet melody of the piano

Hello! Piano piano piano... I've been playing it for thirteen years (!) and I still love it. That's why it is a sacred side of my world.
About the look. It's my favourite VB dress, elegant classics that will be as relevant as ever. A simple plait, a pair of leather pumps and a few jewelries. And it looks "sweet" and pretty. Love this style:)

I'm wearing today:
Victoria Victoria Beckham dress
Sovetskiy razvedchik pumps
Golden bracelet
Ring with a diamond

Bye! My Chocolate Novelty!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

My lovely "Nightmare before Christmas"

Hello!Today I'd like to tell you about my favorite cartoon.Yes, it's a very interesting and exciting movie, it's...the Nightmare before Christmas.I love it!I think Jack is a unique character...

He's the prettiest movie character I've ever seen.He is so sincere and unusual.He wants to make the holiday better, to share his happiness, but..he fails (just like me mostly).So, if you haven't seen it you must do it.

I love watching the Nightmare because the first time I had seen it was one of the best moments in my life, and it's so pleasant remembering it every time.It was three years ago,I was spending my winter holidays in country with my Granny,and one day I saw the Nightmare on the tv.Incredible emotions, incredible feelings,absolutely amazing plot and...can't help falling in love with its music.

So, wish there were more such masterpieces like the nightmare before Christmas:)

Bye!My Chocolate Novelty!

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Let the music play

Hello!Here are some new photos!They are made at my home.Yes,I can play the piano, I've been playing for 12 years,and I'm so proud of it:)

I was wearing:
Vila Clothes dress

Bye!!My Chocolate Novelty!