Showing posts with label brother. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brother. Show all posts

Friday, 29 November 2013

Friday evenings are fun

Today was an absolutely crazy day... My bro and I (after long and boring times of working) finished it with laughing and buzzing:) Let's see!

And some risotto with Buffalo wings... hahaha:))
Funny life is much better!
Bye! My Chocolate Novelty!!!

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Back in Moscow

Hello!I'm back...yeah,Moscow,my sweet home:)Look how many chocolate things I've brought here!
Firstly I ran straight to bed, because I had had a late (or maybe earl) flight. I was happy to see my bright room.
So, east and west home is the best!!!

In the evening I went to a cafe with my brother, to be honest we weren't glad about the food we had...but it couldn't spoil our evening because I had three weeks to see Georgios.
It's much colder in Moscow than in Greece but still I'm enjoying staying with my family now!
Bye!My Chocolate Novelty!!!