Showing posts with label milkchocolate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label milkchocolate. Show all posts

Friday, 13 December 2013

Chocolate presents already!

Hello!!! First chocolate presents are already in supermarkets! I was given one with included my favourite sweets. Maybe you can understand my happiness... :)

I was wearing today:
Zara Basic jeans
Silver earrings and ring
Swarovski green ring

Bye! My Chocolate Novelty!

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Porridge soap, authentic pasta and milk chococolate

While I'm looking forward to this weekend I made some home photos of very nice things. 
Today mom and I bough a piece of soap at LUSH store. It is called porridge soap and smells great... It is the first time we've tried this kind of their soaps

The next object of my attention was my lovely Italian pasta

I hope I'll cook it very soon 

And new Milka! I find it absolutely fantastic and the caramel is just the right filling!!

And my nails which I beliebe I should clean and put a new color soon...

Bye! My Chocolate Novelty!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Pre-winter surprises...

Today I'd like to tell  about my favorite chocolate Ritter Sport winter editions:)
I was waiting for them the whole year, so, it was a big surprise for me!!!
And plus I love fashion and it has made many pre-winter sursprises too...let's compare and imagine...

A sweet and (my favorite!!!) Coconut Macaroon filling is 

Just like this lovely LWrenn Scott dress...

And this absolutely unique Caramelised Almonds filling is...
Yes, it reminds me this gorgeous Delpozo dress!!

This one, Caramel Orange filling (which is my brother's favorite) is, no doubt...

 An exciting Roksanda Ilincic dress!By the way, it's just like a glass of orange juice which everyone needs to remember summer days before the winter came...

And, vanilla is also lovely..

Like a Dolce&Gabbana dress..

Such a the pre-winter surprises for today:)
Bye!My Chocolate Novelty!!!