Showing posts with label rittersport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rittersport. Show all posts

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Unexpected sickness

Unfortunately, I caught a temperature...
So, today I'll have to stay at home the whole day. Maybe it's a bit boring, but my mom bought me enough Ritter Sport to feel OK. Well, let's turn on an interesting film (which one of them hmmm..) and enjoy the favourite taste...

Bye! My Chocolate Novelty!!!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Pre-winter surprises...

Today I'd like to tell  about my favorite chocolate Ritter Sport winter editions:)
I was waiting for them the whole year, so, it was a big surprise for me!!!
And plus I love fashion and it has made many pre-winter sursprises too...let's compare and imagine...

A sweet and (my favorite!!!) Coconut Macaroon filling is 

Just like this lovely LWrenn Scott dress...

And this absolutely unique Caramelised Almonds filling is...
Yes, it reminds me this gorgeous Delpozo dress!!

This one, Caramel Orange filling (which is my brother's favorite) is, no doubt...

 An exciting Roksanda Ilincic dress!By the way, it's just like a glass of orange juice which everyone needs to remember summer days before the winter came...

And, vanilla is also lovely..

Like a Dolce&Gabbana dress..

Such a the pre-winter surprises for today:)
Bye!My Chocolate Novelty!!!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

My Chocolate novelty

Hi there!Would you like to find out what chocolate novelty means?Well,chocolate is the best thing to make you feel happier as you know..but there are also another some,like fashion,shopping,cooking,going out,meeting interesting people,visiting exciting  places,finding new books...And as you are glad you think it's worth living like this,it's sweet living like this,it's something new.That's the thing which makes you look forward to starting your "new tomorrow".And you call it novelty,so let me call it novelty and make my blog part of your sweet life!